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National Laws and regulations that govern hazardous waste management

  1. The Constitution
    • Article 10 ensures the protection and reproduction of the environment and the reasonable utilization of natural resources.
    • Article 33.2 ensures the protection of the right to live in an environment favorable to his/her health and well-being.
    • Article 33.2 further ensures that everyone (personally or jointly with others) shall be obliged to protect and improve the environment.
    • Article 48 ensures that an environmental security (meant is safety) policy for present and future generations will be implemented as one of the basic tasks of the state in all spheres of life (economic, social, cultural etc.).
    • Article 48 further stipulates that the state shall, within the scope of its powers (and abilities), be obliged to undertake necessary measures for the fulfillment of the environmental security (safety) policy for present and future generations.
    • Article 89 ensures that the Government implement state policies in the areas of science, education,[…] health, […] and environmental protection.
  2. The Civil Code
  3. The Water Code
  4. The Land Code
  5. The Code on Underground Resources
  6. The Law on Waste
  7. The Law on Refuse Collection and Sanitary Cleaning
  8. The Law on Environmental Impact Assessment
  9. The Law on Atmospheric Air Protection
  10. The Law on Nature Protection and Nature Utilization Payments
  11. The Law on Environmental Fees
  12. The Law on Environmental and Nature Utilizations Fees
  13. The Law on Target Use of Environmental Fees Paid by Company
  14. The Law on Flora and Law on Fauna
  15. The Law on Environmental Oversight
  16. The Law on Inspection of Use and Protection of Land
  17. The Law on the Protection and Use of Fixed Cultural and Historic Monuments and Historic Environment
  18. The Law on Sanitary and Epidemiologic Security of Population
  19. The Law on State Regulation of Technical Safety
  20. The Law on Local Self-Governing
  21. The RA Law on Licensing
  22. The RA Government Decrees No.97 (dated 8 December 1995) on regulation of import, export and transit of hazardous and other waste on the territory of the Republic of Armenia
  23. The RA Government Decree No.121-N (dated 30 January 2003) on adoption of rule regarding licensing of the activity with hazardous waste processing or disinfection, or protection, or transportation and disposal
  24. The RA Government Decrees No.874-N (dated 20 May 2004) on adoption of the list of hazardous waste
  25. The RA Government Decree No.1093-N (dated 08 July 2004) on adoption of the list of forbidden hazardous waste
  26. The RA Governmental Decree No.1508-N (dated 29 October 2004) on assigning the RA Ministry of Nature Protection as the authorize body within Article 4 of Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent
  27. Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade
  28. The RA Government Degree No.1483-N (dated 29 October 2004) on assigning the RA Ministry of Nature Protection as the authorize body (national coordinator) within Article 9 of the Convention.
  29. The RA Government Decree No.46-N (dated 05 February 2004) on adoption of rule and establishment of intergovernmental commission regarding licensing of the activity with hazardous waste processing or disinfection, or protection, or transportation and disposal
  30. The RA Governmental Decree No.599-N (dated 19 May 2005) on assigning the RA Ministry of Nature Protection as the authorize body in waste management domain
  31. The RA Governmental Decree No.670-N (dated 19 May 2005) on establishment of “Waste Study Center” State Non-commercial Organization
  32. The RA Governmental Decree No.703-N (dated 19 May 2005) on adoption of the rule regarding licensing of works with radioactive waste, reprocessing of radioactive waste and adoption of form of license
  33. The RA Government Decree No.2291-N (dated 09 December 2005) on adoption of normative of waste origination and forms of calculation models of the projects regarding waste disposal limits
  34. The RA Government Decree No.500-N (dated 20 April 2006) on adoption of the rule on waste production, reprocessing and recycling register record keeping
  35. The RA Government Decree No.1180-N (dated 13 July 2006) on adoption of the rule on recording of waste
  36. removal sites
  37. The RA Government Decree No.1343-N (dated 14 September 2006) on adoption of the rule on recording of waste origination, removal (elimination, disinfection, disposal) and recycling
  38. The RA Government Decree No.1544-N (dated 28 September 2006) on defining technical regulation regarding to the waste generated from packaging and packing
  39. The RA Government Decree No.1739-N (dated 13 December 2006) on adoption of rule of the waste state inventory
  40. The RA Government Decree No.144-N (dated 18 January 2007) on adoption of the rule on provision of waste state cadaster
  41. The RA Government Decree No.293-N (dated 17 March 2007) on adoption of the list of chemicals and
  42. pesticides prohibited in RA
  43. The RA Governmental Decree 1189-N (dated 03 September 2010) on establishment of the agency of waste management and atmosphere emission at the administration of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection
  44. The RA Government Decree No.195-N (dated 17 February 2011) on adoption of regulation on utilization of useless pesticides
  45. The RA Ministry of Nature Protection Order No.96 (dated 10 August 1999) on adoption of list of regulated and unregulated waste, hazardous features, statement submission, notification and removal action documents
  46. The RA Ministry of Nature Protection Order No112-N (dated 22 August 2002) on adoption of the form and instruction for annual statistic reporting of waste origination, use and removal
  47. The RA Ministry of Nature Protection Order No.359-N (dated 07 November 2006) on adoption of forms of registration reports list of the objects on producing, reproducing and using waste and recordkeeping book
  48. The RA Ministry of Nature Protection Order No.430-N (dated 25 December 2006) on adoption of the list of waste classified by hazardousness
  49. The RA Ministry of Nature Protection Order No.19-N (dated 02 February 2007) on adoption of the model form of the waste passport
  50. The RA Ministry of Nature Protection Order No.97-N (dated 27 April 2007) on adoption of normative of waste origination and forms of calculation models of the projects regarding waste disposal limits
  51. The RA Ministry of Nature Protection Order No.47-N (dated 19 January 2006) on adoption of the rule on passportization of the waste
  52. The RA Ministry of Nature Protection Order No.387-N (dated 24 November 2006) on adoption of the forms of registry sheet on waste removal sites and recordkeeping book
  53. The RA Ministry of Health Order No.256-N (dated 24 March 2005) on defining sanitary rules and norms “on Rules of Mineral Fertilizer Production, Storage, Transportation and Distribution”
  54. The RA Ministry of Health Order No.790-N (dated 30 August 2005) on defining sanitary rules and norms “on Storage, Transportation, Using and Selling of Poison-chemicals (Pesticides)”
  55. The RA Ministry of Health Order No.03-N (dated on 4 May 2008) on defining sanitary rules and norms N 2.1.3-3 “Hygienic and Epidemiological Requirements to Medical Waste Management”
  56. The RA Ministry of Health Order No.20-N (dated 29 October 2009) on defining sanitary rules and norms N “Hygienic Requirements to the Management of Hazardous Waste and Storage and Transportation of Hazardous Chemical Substances”
  57. The RA Ministry of Health Order No.25-N (dated on 22 December 2009) on defining sanitary rules and norms No. “Hygienic Requirements to the Sanitary Maintenance of Settlement Territories, Collection, Storage, Transportation, Processing, Reprocessing, Recycling, Disinfection and Landfilling of Municipal Waste, Labor Safety of the Staff engaged in activities in the sphere of Sanitary Maintenance of Settlement Territories, Municipal Waste Management”
  58. The RA Sate Statistic Union Decision No.208-N (dated 10 September 2002) on adoption of the form and instruction for summary statistic reporting of waste origination, use and removal
  59. The RA Sate Statistic Union Decision No.213-N (dated 10 September 2002) on adoption of the form and instruction for state statistic reporting of complex use of minerals generated within enrichment and metallurgical transformation of waste in mining and industrial process.